Learning expedition

Organise your learning expedition !

Would you like your team to discover the companies of the Phocaean city or the Provencal region?  Call on our services to organise a learning expedition for you! Get the most out of your discovery by co-organising with our team the company trip of your choice! Discover the region’s companies, incubators, demonstration centres, the Velodrome stadium, Notre Dame de la Garde, the Euromed business district and many other wonders of the southern region!

What is a learning expedition?

A learning expedition is a new form of change management that takes place during a study trip, a voyage of discovery with members of your company. The main purpose of this trip is to introduce your team to companies in a different region from your own and to study the synergies that surround them. It is a real source of inspiration for all participants!

Who is the Learning Expedition for?

The Learning Expedition is aimed at all companies that wish to introduce their employees to a new sector, leading companies, current innovations, new managerial practices and a different work organisation. Would you like to provide your group with an enriching and stimulating experience? Discover the flexible, agile and cutting-edge companies in the Provence region!

Watch the Danone Learning Expedition video!

Organise your learning expedition !

For more information about our learning expedition, please fill in your request through our dedicated contact form!


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